Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Growth: from one to four and in so many ways

As I begin this blog, our family is anxiously awaiting the arrival of our three new grandchildren, Hirut (9), Helen (6) and Binyam (3). Although I realize each one are individuals, I may refer to them as the 'trio' from time to time in this blog. Our daughter Sarah and her husband Jeremy are in Ethiopia practicing the language (Amharic), tasting new recipes, enjoying the scenery, visiting food markets, basically soaking up the culture before joining and returning home with their three children. It then begins - the most challenging and rewarding adventure of their lives.
Everybody has had a hand in helping get ready for their arrival. Uncle Pat's been helping with painting and the many things that need to be done before 3 more come call it their home. Mike (Grandpa Mike) and Jeremy (Dad) have been busy creating a built-in entertainment center with cabinets for games, toys, books and of course, the shelf for the TV in the lower level of the house. Katy and Troy have been supporting in so many different ways. Katy gave them a family shower and made, from scratch, an Ethiopian smorgasbord to serve the shower guest. She has helped by going shopping for all the must have items, helped with recipes, had them for dinner several times to help get their minds off things, but most importantly are there for them with open ears. Of course, our 'trio' will be joining Katy and Troys' little guy Miles, our first grandson that has had the attention of all for 15 months. We think he too will enjoy having cousins to try and keep up with. I like to think that I've been helpful by keeping current with the process and procedures of the adoption so there wouldn't need to be a 'start at the beginning' with information as it came in. Listening and encouraging them to be patient and press forward. It has been a real roller coaster but let's face it, that's life. Unpredictable, challenging but oh so wonderful! Our four legged family member have been working on the new adjustments also. Anastasia, Tiger and Lucia have been around more children lately. Miles has helped with Chloe, Kyra, Mabel, Winnie and Desi, even our kitten, Betty all seem to love being around kids.
I'll be posting a family photo as soon as we have one.

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